Join Me

Contrary to what might be popular opinion, we are NOT our thoughts.
We are much more than our thoughts and who we may think we are.
Our mind, our thoughts and our beliefs are part of the wholeness of who we are... just a small part. They make up our personality; something we all create as human beings to navigate our earthly experience,
Depending on the study, we have 6,000 to 60,000 thoughts in one day. To further that, some research suggests 75 - 95% of these thoughts are repetitive and 80% are negative or not empowering.
These repetitive and mostly negative thoughts affect our mental health, happiness and quality of life. Is that where you'd like to spend most of your time?!?
It doesn't have to be this way!
Introducing 'the Space In Between'.
Imagine new possibilities!
Imagine becoming aware and being able to set aside the overactive mind, opening up to more space, peace and clarity.
Learn, explore and experience this space, how it benefits you and ways you can use it.
This retreat has 'new explorers' in mind. Been on the path of discovery for a while? You may get new aha's - get refreshed and have more clarity!
The event location has loads of space! That said, retreat spaces are limited.
Take advantage of the early bird pricing by March 23th! See flyer below...
For more information, email Janine here.
Secure your spot by e-transfer to Janine at this email: nextlevel@bmts.com
I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
HeartMath® Tools & Techniques

Increase your awareness of your own emotions and learn how to self regulate.
Learn how your emotions affect your stress levels and your body and why self regulation will increase your health span.
Learn how to create harmony in the systems of your body by creating a coherent state.
Take away practical, simple tools you can use every day with your eyes open as you go about your day.
This is a 3.5 hour workshop.
Create your own! You plus a minimum of 3 friends or family.
Adults are $150 - HST INC
Students 17 and over are $95 - HST INC