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This is your life
What would you love to have more of?
I can assist in helping you feel better in your
body, mind and spirit
Definition of divine: a force that transcends human capability
Divinity is a quality we possess as part of the greater wholeness of who we are.
We are more than our physical bodies.
Definition of spirituality: literally means breath, signifying life.
Life is a sacred gift and our bodies are the sacred earthly
dwelling where we experience life from.
Janine Eby
My name is Janine.
I have been a 'way finder' and a 'way shower' most of my life.
One of the things I love the most is learning about natural wellness and well-being.
I've spent many years learning how we, as human beings, are
designed to function at higher states of being.
I have been working with people and their bodies for many years.
I can assist you to create more ease, more calm and less pain.
I can assist you in finding your inner balance.
This includes emotional pain, physical pain, and other dysfunctional states
that can manifest as dis-ease in the body.
I can assist you with techniques to overcome stress
and empower you to become more resilient in life.
I love to show others how to change their relationships with anything in their life.
I offer one on one and group sessions. Be sure to check out my session packages.
Some of the tools and techniques I use include:
Energy/ Vibrational Healing
Conflict Deconstruction
Certified Pure Tested Grade Essential Oils
'State of the art' supplement line
Foot Reflexology
Symphony of the Cells
AromaTouch Technique
Book an Appointment
Next Level Natural Living
Discovering the truth of your wholeness
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